Screen time in gadgets

Screen time in gadgets

📱 Due to the proliferation of online learning, our children spend more time in front of monitor screens than ever before. It seems that many parents have come to terms with the fact that a large part of children's lives are spent in front of gadget screens, but the question arises: how and to what extent should the time that a child spends in front of the screen be regulated? Let's deal with it together with the pediatricians of the Mother's House.

🧒 Excessive use of gadgets can affect both the physical health and the emotional and psychological state of children. It is clear that long hours of continuous sitting in front of a screen can lead to poor posture and vision, cause stress and anxiety, and can harm social development.

🖥️ Of course, we cannot completely exclude gadgets from our lives. They are an irreplaceable source of new information and communication with relatives. But, nevertheless, it is important to set a time frame for the use of gadgets. Therefore, the right strategy is to develop a viewing schedule according to the child's age and balance screen time with other activities.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Remember that children imitate the behavior of adults, so it can be a good idea to introduce rules about staying away from screens during meals and family communication. Also, take frequent breaks, as this protects the nervous system from sensory overload and prevents addiction.

👩‍⚕️ If you have questions about the time a child should spend in front of gadget screens, you can always contact the pediatricians of the Mother's House. We are waiting for you every day!