How to recognize the signs of autism?

How to recognize the signs of autism?

👶 Today, let's consider such a difficult but important topic as autism spectrum disorders. Currently, they are still being researched and, unfortunately, there are currently no methods that can prevent autism. Because of this, early diagnosis is almost the only factor that helps correct this condition and give the child a chance to become a full-fledged part of society.

👩‍⚕️ It must be said that it is very important to detect autism spectrum disorders in a child under the age of three. There are many examples where timely professional help in the diagnosis of autism, support and regular supervision allows you to get rid of the severe consequences of this condition.

🔎 Early signs of autism are difficult to detect, and this task can only be entrusted to specialists who have extensive experience working with such children. Nevertheless, there are factors that must be paid attention to: problems with speech, understanding and following instructions, reluctance to communicate with others, aloofness and a desire for solitude. Another mandatory symptom of autism is monotony or stereotyping of behavior.

🧸 However, if you have any concerns about how your child is behaving, it is best to first share them with your pediatrician. He will tell you for sure whether there are reasons for concern, or whether these are just ordinary everyday issues that parents face.

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