How to treat a viral infection in children: ARVI in a child

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Only a pediatrician can prescribe the most safe and effective treatment for SARS in a child, taking into account the type of infection, severity of symptoms and individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, in case of any manifestations of the disease, you should consult a doctor.

What is a viral infection?

The most common pediatric diagnosis is acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). This term includes various viral infections that cause inflammation of the respiratory tract. Among them, the most common are parainfluenza, rotovirus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, enterovirus, coronavirus, and respiratory syncytial infections.

Influenza is very similar to SARS, but has some differences. It is more difficult to tolerate, often causes complications, is characterized by high contagiousness, often causes epidemics.

Another group of similar infections are acute respiratory diseases (ARIs). But unlike ARVI, pathogens can be not only viruses, but also bacteria.

How are children's respiratory diseases manifested?

The main symptoms of SARS in a child:

  •       swelling of mucous membranes;
  •       runny nose - nasal congestion, mucous discharge;
  •       sneezing, coughing;
  •       redness, pain and itching in the throat;
  •       painfulness when swallowing;
  •       headache;
  •       increase in body temperature;
  •       increase in lymph nodes;
  •       loss of appetite;
  •       general weakness.

Causes of a cold in a child

Factors that can cause a cold include:

  •       general and local hypothermia of the body;
  •       stay during;
  •       drinking cold drinks.

The cause of ARVI is the entry into the body of the corresponding viruses (there are more than 200 types), which are spread by airborne droplets. The risk of disease increases with hypovitaminosis and weakened immunity, which complicates the fight against infection. That is why SARS is most common in the winter-spring period.

A severe runny nose in a child can be caused by various factors, from allergies to viral infections. It is important to keep the nasal passages clean, use saline solutions, monitor the humidity and temperature in the room and avoid excessive use of any drops, especially vasoconstrictors. Correct treatment is first of all "do no harm"

Complications of respiratory viral infections in a child

In the absence of adequate symptomatic therapy, a viral infection in a child can cause serious complications (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis), which require more serious and long-term treatment.

ознаки грві у дитини

Diagnosis of children's SARS

At the initial appointment, the pediatrician studies the clinical picture and medical history, conducts a complete physical examination, performs auscultation (listening) and percussion (tapping).

The diagnosis of SARS is based on clinical signs, but rapid tests may be prescribed to determine the type of virus. If complications are suspected, the doctor may refer the patient to laboratory and instrumental tests:

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the pediatrician prescribes treatment or refers to a consultation with narrow specialists (pulmonologist, otolaryngologist).

There are no effective antiviral drugs against SARS. Therefore, sick children are prescribed symptomatic treatment, which eliminates unpleasant symptoms, alleviates the general condition and helps prevent complications. In most cases, the doctor selects analgesics, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. If a viral infection is joined by a bacterial one, then antibiotics will be needed.

In addition, you should moisten the mucous membrane of the nose with physiological solution or sprays with sea salt and drink a large volume of liquid (water, tea with viburnum, cranberry, raspberry, lemon) to wash the viruses and toxic substances that are formed in the process of their vital activity from the body.

Prevention of children's colds

To minimize the risk of SARS, it is recommended:

  •       to harden the child;
  •       regularly walk with the baby in the fresh air;
  •       ensure rational nutrition;
  •       carry out wet cleaning daily;
  •       ventilate the room as often as possible;
  •       maintain air humidity within 50-60%.