Useful articles about health

♥️ Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in adolescents and children

Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases

♥️ Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in the world, so of course we all want to prevent such problems in our children. Unlike some diseases caused by independent factors, cardiovascular diseases ...

How to protect a child from HPV?

How to protect a child from HPV

👧 Adolescence is a difficult period for a child. Gradually, new problems appear in her life, and as parents we try to protect the child from dangers she has never encountered before. So, with the beginning of sexual ...

Eating disorder in children 🥦

Eating disorder

🥦Poor appetite, picky eating, excess or, on the contrary, low weight — all this can indicate eating disorders in children.

Consultation and advice of a psychologist

Psychologist's advice

⏰With the beginning of the school year, especially now, in turbulent times, the load on schoolchildren increases many times over - some study in two schools, some have a hard time with new teachers and classmates, and ...

Consultation of a neurologist 📝

Consultation of a neurologist

📌 Do not neglect preventive examinations by a neurologist, because neurological problems cannot always be noticed in everyday life. Remember, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat the consequences.

Infant dyshesia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Dyshesias in babies

💩 Dyschezia in babies is a common, but often incomprehensible phenomenon for parents. This condition is characterized by difficulties during defecation, accompanied by crying and discomfort in the baby. But do not ...


Massage - benefits and indications

🔸The benefits of massage for both adults and children are difficult to describe in one sentence, because it is both the relaxation of muscles and the nervous system, and the regulation of the body's vegetative ...